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Jabodetabek LRT Train Collision on Cibubur Flyover

LRT accident
source Instagram.

There has been an accident on the Jabodebek integrated light rail crossing (LRT) on the overpass section of the Munjul section in East Jakarta on Monday 25th October.

The two LRT trains are reportedly in the trial phase.

Our firefighters have launched a rescue unit from the Cipayung sector to go to the location,” said Head of the East Jakarta Fire Department Operational Section Gatot Sulaeman.

Gatot confirmed the LRT trains were in the trial phase. According to the information he released, the trains had no passengers on board.

The information isn’t reliable yet. They say the trains were empty. The team has not yet received further accurate data,” he said.

From the video circulating, the LRT trains took damage. One of the carriages seems to have been lifted off the tracks. The exact chronology of the incident is not yet known.

PT KAI and PT INKA have not provided an explanation regarding this incident. PT INKA Public Relations Staff Advin Hidayat said his team is conducting an investigation.

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