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Opening Trials for Prambanan Temple and Ratu Boko

prambanan temple
Opening Trials for Prambanan Temple and Ratu Boko

Prambanan temple and Ratu Boko palace in the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY) began started to welcome tourists on 1st July 2020.

The opening is still in a trial stage in accordance with the decision of PT Taman Wisata Candi (TWC), the manager of Borobudur, Prambanan, and Ratu Boko sites.

The plan is a trial period that will be carried out over two weeks, followed by monitoring and evaluating completed each week by the internal team, Institute for Preservation of Cultural Heritage DIY (BPBC DIY), COVID-19 Task Force, and the DIY Government Tourism Office.

The trial reopening was started after permission was granted by the COVID-19 Response Acceleration Task Force for the Special Region of Yogyakarta.

President Director of PT TWC Edy Setijono explained that the operational trials will apply restrictions on the number of visitors. This step is in accordance with the government’s recommendation related to physical distancing for every tourist visiting the destination.

“During the pilot opening trial, we restrict visitors to only 20 to 25 percent or a maximum of 1,500 people per day. The implementation of this trial will be monitored by the team from local government,” he said.

Restrictions are not just being placed on the number of visitors, but on operating hours as well. For ticketing, PT TWC is encouraging tourists to make online purchases at

“On the spot purchases are 70 percent of admissions and the remaining 30 percent can be made through online reservation,” continued Edy.

Prambanan Temple will be open from 8am to 4pm while Ratu Boko will be open 10am to 6pm. An hour break will be taken to clean the site’s areas that have been used by tourists. In the application of visitor management, PT TWC will cooperate with the DIY Cultural Heritage Preservation (BPCB) Hall.

Source: Tribun News

Image:  Pikiran Rakyat

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