Islamic Teacher Raped Students: Sentenced to Life ImprisonmentIndonesia ExpatFebruary 15, 2022 by Indonesia ExpatFebruary 15, 20220An Islamic teacher named Herry Wirawan has been sentenced to life in prison for the rape of 13 of his...
Singapore to Indonesia, Michael Thia Contributes Globally in EducationIndonesia ExpatSeptember 8, 2021 by Indonesia ExpatSeptember 8, 20210Mr Michael Thia has spent more than a decade dedicating his expertise in education globally to Indonesia. A Singaporean who...
Teachers Criminalised Under Child Protection Act: Legal ClaimIshia ToledoJune 15, 2017 by Ishia ToledoJune 15, 20170A group of teachers is taking on the law in the Constitutional Court with a case claiming the criminalisation of...