Jokowi: Liquor Investment Banned, Alcohol Trade AllowedIndonesia ExpatJune 8, 2021July 9, 2021 by Indonesia ExpatJune 8, 2021July 9, 20210President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) prohibits investment in the liquor or alcohol industry. This provision is contained in Presidential Regulation Number...
Authorities Slam Halal Whiskey Photos on Social MediaSania RasyidOctober 25, 2017October 25, 2017 by Sania RasyidOctober 25, 2017October 25, 20170Pictures of “halal whiskey” have gone viral online in Indonesia, following the Indonesian government’s decision to revoke the authority of...
NU Calls for Review as Bootleg Booze Thrives Among Jakarta YouthsIndonesia ExpatAugust 22, 2017October 18, 2017 by Indonesia ExpatAugust 22, 2017October 18, 20170A survey has found 65 percent of youths living in Jakarta and surrounding cities consume bootleg liquor, known as oplosan,...
Police Crackdown on Illegal Alcohol Sales Ahead of RamadanIndonesia ExpatMay 22, 2017November 11, 2021 by Indonesia ExpatMay 22, 2017November 11, 20210Ahead of the start of Ramadan next week, police across Indonesia have launched sweeps cracking down on illegal alcohol sales...