Cigarette Excise Increase Averages 12.5 Percent Next YearIndonesia ExpatDecember 10, 2020July 9, 2021 by Indonesia ExpatDecember 10, 2020July 9, 20210Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati has said that she will increase cigarette excise tax by 12.5 percent next year. “This...
With a Long History in Indonesia, Tobacco Remains an Economic PillarLina NoviandariMay 31, 2016May 31, 2016 by Lina NoviandariMay 31, 2016May 31, 20160Tobacco companies in Indonesia could face challenging times, as regulators tighten. But with power and resources, cigarette firms have cause...
Confessions of a Former SmokerDeddy WigrahaFebruary 25, 2014August 11, 2017 by Deddy WigrahaFebruary 25, 2014August 11, 20172 For the past 25 years, cigarettes have been a loyal friend. Camels, Luckies and Marlboros (and the occasional Djarum Super)...
Dangerously Nice: Kretek CigarettesTess JoyceFebruary 25, 2014October 16, 2023 by Tess JoyceFebruary 25, 2014October 16, 20232 I was a kretek (clove cigarette) smoker for almost two years. When I first started smoking clove cigarettes in Kalimantan...