COVID-19 Task Force Claim Cases and Hospital Patients DecreasedIndonesia ExpatFebruary 17, 2021July 9, 2021 by Indonesia ExpatFebruary 17, 2021July 9, 20210The COVID-19 Handling Task Force has claimed that a week of the Java-Bali micro-community activity restrictions (PPKM) saw a decrease...
Kemayoran Athlete Emergency Hospital Occupancy Continues to DecreaseIndonesia ExpatNovember 4, 2020July 9, 2021 by Indonesia ExpatNovember 4, 2020July 9, 20210Coordinator of the COVID-19 Kemayoran Athlete Emergency Hospital (Wisma Atlet) Major General TNI, Tugas Ratmono, revealed that the occupancy rate...
Violence Against Women in Bali Decreases, Still An Issue to TackleIndonesia ExpatDecember 9, 2019December 10, 2019 by Indonesia ExpatDecember 9, 2019December 10, 20190Head of Women’s Empowerment and Child Protection Agency (Dinas PPPA) of Bali, Luh Ayu Aryani has said that the number...