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Multiple-Entry Visitor Visa for Business People Is Back

Multiple-Entry Visitor Visa
Multiple-Entry Visitor Visa for Business People Is Back

After being closed during the COVID-19 pandemic, the Directorate General of Immigration is conducting trials for reopening the multiple-entry visitor visa (Visa Kunjungan Beberapa kali Perjalanan/VKBP) starting from Tuesday, 22nd November 2022. 

The news was announced by the Acting Director General of Immigration Widodo Ekatjahjana in Jakarta on Monday, 21st November 2022.

“VKBP will be tested for reopening to support the immigration of global business people, bona fide potential investors, and world billionaires with large capital so that they can easily go back and forth to Indonesia. This proves that the ease of immigration for business people with high mobility will have a significant impact on Indonesia’s economic recovery,” Ekatjahjana explained.

Ekatjahjana also stated that foreign business people who apply for the VKBP are required to have a guarantor from a corporation or company in Indonesia. The registration of VKBP is carried out by the guarantor, either online through the or through Indonesian embassies abroad.

A multiple-entry visitor visa, according to Ekatjahjana, is a type of visa that allows foreigners to travel out and enter Indonesia within one year. Foreigners entering Indonesia will be granted a residence permit for 60 days each time. 

“For every foreigner applying for VKBP, there is a fee of IDR 3,000,000 per person/year; therefore, foreigners can go back and forth to Indonesia without the need to do any additional residence permits,” Ekatjahjana said

He stated that VKBP cannot be used to work in Indonesia. Foreigners holding VKBP can do other activities, such as conducting business talks, tours, government assignments, purchasing goods, meetings, humanitarian reasons, and transit.

The main requirements for VKBP registration are as follows:
  1. An official national passport which is still valid for at least 18 (eighteen) months;
  2. Letter of guarantee from a guarantor;
  3. Proof of having living expenses for themselves and/or their family while in Indonesia in the form of a checking account, savings book, or deposit for the last three months owned by the foreigner or guarantor with an amount of at least US$2,000 or equivalent;
  4. Return ticket or onward ticket to another country except for the crew of the conveyance who will stop over to join the ship and continue the journey to another country; and
  5. A recent colour photograph taken at least for the last three months with a white background.
In addition, there are additional requirements during the COVID-19 pandemic, as follows:
  1. A statement of willingness to comply with all health protocols in Indonesia;
  2. Proof of having received the full dose of the COVID-19 vaccine;
  3. Proof of ownership of health insurance/travel insurance which includes health financing, and/or a statement of willingness to pay independently if contracted COVID-19 while in Indonesian Territory.

“We hope that this immigration policy can be put to good use by foreign business people who are going on business trips or investing in Indonesia,” concluded Ekatjahjana.

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