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Mixed Marriage Children in Bali to Choose Citizenship by May 2024

citizenship mixed marriage children
Mixed Marriage Children in Bali to Choose Citizenship by May 2024. Image Source:

Children of mixed marriages in Bali are urged to choose their citizenship status before the 31st of May 2024.

This appeal follows the enactment of Government Regulation Number 21 of 2022 concerning Amendments to Government Regulation Number 2 of 2007 concerning procedures for obtaining a loss of cancellation and regaining citizenship of the Republic of Indonesia.

In the Government Regulation, children who are of Indonesian and foreign parents who still have limited dual citizenship status and are 21 years old must immediately make a choice whether to become Indonesian citizens or not.

The Head of the Bali Regional Office of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Anggiat Napitupulu, explained that if by the 31st May 2024 the choice has not been made, then the mixed marriage child will be considered and treated as a pure foreigner, and the status of limited dual citizen will automatically be null and void.

Bali is one of the areas where mixed marriages are common, so many children still haven’t chosen citizenship even though they are 18 to 21 years old. The choice of citizenship, said Napitupulu, is to avoid problems with population administration and the child’s citizenship status, as well as those who have been living and studying in Bali since birth but have not chosen citizenship.

According to records, up to now, 80 children from mixed marriages have processed their citizenship to become pure citizens. This submission process will be finalised through a Presidential Decree.

Requirements for Submission of Indonesian Citizenship

In Government Regulation Number 21 of 2022, it is stated that the recognition of pure citizenship by children of mixed marriages must attach a number of conditions, such as a photocopy of a birth certificate or a letter proving the applicant’s birth, which is legalised by an authorised official.

Furthermore, a photocopy of an excerpt from the marriage certificate or marriage book, an excerpt from the divorce certificate, or an excerpt from the death certificate of the applicant’s wife or husband for those who are not yet 18 years old and already married, legalised by the authorised official.

Then a copy of the excerpt from the marriage certificate or marriage book, an excerpt from the divorce certificate, or an excerpt from the death certificate of one of the applicant’s parents, which is legalised by the authorised official.

Another requirement is an immigration certificate issued by the immigration office whose working area covers the applicant’s place of residence, stating that the applicant has resided in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia for a minimum of five consecutive years or a minimum of 10 non-consecutive years.

Submissions must also attach a certificate of physical and mental health from the hospital, a statement that the applicant can speak Indonesian, a statement that the applicant acknowledges the state ideology of Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia, a certificate of police records, and several other requirements specified in the Government Regulation.

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