Indonesia Expat

Trending Cashless Society Starts Spreading Traditional Market by Ngobrol@Tempo

Interactive discussion "Ngobrol @Tempo"

Sinar Mas Land collaborated with Tempo Media Group at an interactive discussion entitled ‘Ngobrol @Tempo’, or Chat @Tempo.

Its aim was to act as a bridge between the Ministry of Communication and Informatics, as the originator of the cashless ideal, with prospective users such as buyers and sellers in shopping malls and traditional markets that are already using cashless transactions. This year’s Chat @ Tempo discussed cashless payments as a gateway, so that this transformation can scaled up to be used across cities in order to become an ecosystem of digitalism.

To support the movement, society uses e-wallets to transact in shopping centres, entertainment and recreation hubs, and so much more. Cashless transactions have become a part of modern lifestyles: so often people no longer carry and use paper-based money. In BSD City, Modern Market and Modern Markets Intermodal are currently using cashless transactions. Visitors can shop and pay with GoPay, OVO, Dana, and other various fintech applications. Not only easy, these applications also offer a variety of promotions, such as discounts and cashback. It is believed that the use of cashless transactions in traditional markets provide convenience, comfort, safety, and speed.

“Along with the rapid pace of growth, Indonesia has predicted that the economy would reach five percent at the end of 2019. The development of the economy is predictably getting stronger and transactions within the Indonesian society are beginning to change. By opening the fintech application on our smartphones, we just need to scan or insert the code, then the transaction is done,” said Corporate Communications and Public Affairs Division Head at Sinar Mas Land, Panji Himawan.

Chat @ Tempo was attended by various speakers such as: Burhan Solihin, Director Executive; Tini Wartini, Head Office of the Ministry of Communications and Informatics – District Tangerang; Tita Ayuditya Surya. Kasi Facilitation Platform Ecosystem Economics Digital Ministry of Communications and Informatics; Suhendro, Director Executive Association of Indonesian Market; and Ramadhany Herlambang, Head of Product Development Sinar Mas Land.

In a forum discussion, they all shared their thoughts on the criteria to go cashless in a traditional market, the advantages and drawbacks of going cashless, groove transaction velocity of money in traditional markets after enforcing cashless transactions, cooperation with vendors and banks in Indonesia, as well as the tools that are needed to apply cashless transactions.

“Sinar Mas Land has also implemented a cashless payment method for every resident or citizen who wishes to conduct IPL payment,” added Panji.

Sinar Mas Land’s prestigious project, BSD City, is transforming into the first integrated smart-digital city through a variety of infrastructure and facilities, such as a traffic command centre, high-speed fibre optic internet, and other facilities adding to the comfort of the city, especially in this digital age.

See: Sinar Mas Land is Dedicated to the Future of E-Sport

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