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Moving Domiciles from City, Regency and Province Requirements

Moving Certificate
Moving to Indonesia

The Director-General of Population and Civil Registration of the Home Affairs Ministry, Zudan Arif Fakrulloh, has confirmed that the requirement of certificates from an RT/RW in in an area or district had been removed as part of the process of people moving domiciles. 

This regulation is contained in Home Affairs Minister regulation number 108 of 2019, which is the implementing regulation of Presidential regulation number 96 of 2018 concerning requirements and procedures for population registration and civil registration.

Fakrulloh stated that it is enough to show a Family Card, or Kartu Keluarga (KK) – a moving certificate (SKP) is not required for those who want to move within q regency or city. A moving certificate is only issued for those who move between districts or cities within one province or between provinces.

The following are the requirements and processes for issuing a moving certificate.

SKP for moving districts/cities or provinces

In more detail, article 30 of the Home Affairs Minister regulation number 108 of 2019 stipulates that residents who plan to move between districts or cities within one province or between provinces must fill out and sign a biodata form and submit the specified documents, namely the KK.

Next, the officer will verify and validate the forms and documents that have been submitted. Officers at the regency or city Department of Population and Civil Registration will record the data in the population database.

The head of the regency or city Department of Population and Civil Registration will then issue and sign the moving certificate. This will then be handed over to the applicant and another KK will be issued for the head or family member who has not moved.

The validity period of the moving certificate

The same regulation states that the moving certificate is valid for 100 working days from the date of issuance.

If the validity period expires and the resident does not report the planned relocation to the destination area, the moving certificate is rendered invalid. An invalid moving certificate becomes the basis for canceling a move using the Population Administration Information System (SIAK) in the area of origin.

Meanwhile, in the event that a resident intends to register for relocation beyond the validity period of the moving certificate, the regency or city Department of Population and Civil Registration may communicate its management via email or other electronic media.

Moving one district or city does not need a moving certificate 

Moving between houses in a village, between villages, and between sub-districts within one district or city does not require a moving certificate. The regulation states that it is only required for residents to fill out and sign a biodata form and submit the specified requirements, namely the KK.

Next, the officer will verify and validate the forms and requirements that have been submitted. Then, officers at the regency or city Department of Population and Civil Registration will record the data in the population database.

The head of the regency or city Department of Population and Civil Registration will then issue a KK, electronic ID card (e-KTP), and/or child identity card (KIA) with a new address and sign the moving certificate. At the same time, these old documents will be revoked.

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