Indonesia Expat

Doctor Who Abused Woman in Soekarno-Hatta Airport Isn?t Registered

Doctor Who Abused Woman in Soekarno-Hatta Airport Isn?t Registered

The Executive Board of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI) has confirmed that a doctor who conducted a rapid test at Soekarno-Hatta Airport is not registered as a member of the IDI.

The doctor, initials EFY, is suspected of extorting and harassing a female passenger with the initials LHI.

PB IDI Deputy Secretary-General Fery Rahman also confirmed that EFY was not registered as a doctor on the state list of the Indonesian Medical Council (KKI).  Fery asked all parties to confirm first whether EFY is really a doctor or not.

“Currently, doctors everywhere are struggling to treat COVID-19 patients, in addition to the big risks they face themselves,” he said.

Meanwhile, Fery urged the allegations of extortion and harassment be immediately prosecuted.  He also expressed his concern about the incident against the female passenger.

“The law is the law and must be enforced. Hopefully, in the future there will no more similar incidents to anyone, anywhere,” said Fery.

LHI shared her story related to the alleged extortion and sexual harassment while undergoing a rapid test at Kimia Farma at Soetta Airport via Twitter account @listongs. Her test result showed reactive, then the apparently fake doctor, with the initials EFY forced her to go back for another examination to make sure that the victim’s condition was actually not dangerous.

LHI complied but the doctor asked for some money in return, resulting to an agreement of Rp1.4 million. Not only that, but the victim also admitted that she was sexually harassed by the doctor.

Kimia Farma has said they plan to follow legal processes to report the incident that befell LHI.

Soekarno-Hatta Airport’s spokesperson claimed that they would help to resolve the case as much as possible. All information related to the case will be disclosed, including by checking the CCTV footage at the scene.

Source: CNN Indonesia

Image: Tempo

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