For those of you that weren’t there, BIC left a true impression on Bali’s event landscape at their inaugural launch party – GOTONG ROYONG – last year in June.
18 months later, Indonesia’s leading impact-focused investment club is doing it once more, and this time they are launching the island’s first-ever venture fund, Bali Impact Capital.
GOTONG ROYONG (2.0) is likely to be one of THE highlight events surrounding the G20 and we can’t wait to see what they have in store for us. This is what we could gather from the event page, Bali Investment Club likes to keep the show mostly a secret 😉
Book your tickets now, the BIC team has built a reputation for attracting a bespoke audience and selling out fast.
Join us for an eclectic night as we celebrate 2 years of impact investing in Indonesia and announce the launch of Bali’s first-ever venture capital fund. 🥂
WHAT TO EXPECT: Special announcements, Immersive experiences, Complimentary Buffet & Drinks by Top Chefs and Mixologists, Live entertainment, Networking with key players in Indonesia, a VIP afterparty at Jenja Night Club, And more…
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