Indonesia Expat
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Bali Allows Public New Year’s Eve Celebrations

No New Year Celebration, Money Allocated to Floods and COVID-19

Bali’s provincial government will allow hotels, restaurants, and tourist attractions to hold New Year’s Eve celebrations.

According to the Head of the Bali Tourism Office, Putu Astawa, celebrations must comply with health protocols by limiting the number of visitors to 50 percent of the available capacity.

Head of Bali Municipal Police Dewa Nyoman Rai Darmada said that his team will monitor and supervise locations where crowds could potentially occur. This is to ensure that health protocols are adhered to on New Year’s Eve.

“We are monitoring it with direct supervision,” he said.

However, in the near future, there will be an appeal from the Bali Provincial Government so that residents do not gather or congregate during the new year.

Darmadi added that the people in Bali can be trusted enough to comply with health protocols because people want Bali’s tourism to recover soon.

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