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AstraZeneca Vaccination: Priority Order of Recipients in Jakarta

AstraZeneca Vaccination
AstraZeneca Vaccination: Priority Order of Recipients in Jakarta

The DKI Jakarta government has stated that it had made provision for the administration of the AstraZeneca vaccine as part of the COVID-19 vaccination program.

Head of the DKI Jakarta Health Service, Widyastuti, said that she had issued a circular regarding the distribution of the AstraZeneca COVID-19 jab.

The DKI Provincial Government has received 1.5 million doses of AstraZeneca vaccine from the Health Ministry and started the public vaccination process on Wednesday 5th May 2021.

“There have been 28,000 residents who have been injected with the AstraZeneca vaccine,” said Widyastuti on Wednesday.

The government has made an order of priority in giving AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine. The rules are outlined in the Health Office circular letter number 5134/1.778.16 signed by Widyastuti on 4th May.

The first priority is for residents who live in RWs covered by the regulation of the DKI Jakarta Province’s Governor number 90 of 2018, concerning improvement of the quality of settlements in the framework of arrangement of integrated settlement areas – that is, areas that are identified as needing improvements in the quality of housing.

Second, areas that have, or have the potential for, cases COVID-19 with the new variants that have recently been identified. Third is areas that have been given priority and noted as being at risk under the micro PPKM assessments carried out every two weeks.

“COVID-19 vaccination service facilities which still have stocks of the COVID-19 Sinovac vaccine will be used to administer the second dose of vaccination.”

To ensure the stability of AstraZeneca vaccine storage, a COVID-19 vaccination facility that doesn’t have sufficient storage for both the AstraZeneca and Sinovac vaccine will have the latter withdrawn.

Also Read KITAS and KITAP Holders Eligible for Government Vaccine

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