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Education Featured

How Parents Can Support Children for Long-Term Online Learning?

Highscope Indonesia
Online Learning, Highscope Indonesia

Uncertainty for our children’s future remains despite the development of the COVID-19 vaccine and its recent deployment to the masses.

After almost a year of adjusting to this pandemic, it is fitting to say that it has forever changed the way we live our lives: the way we interact with one another, the way we communicate, the way we work, and the way our children learn. 

Parents all over the world have been upfront about their struggles. Millions of social media posts have gone viral, spreading a spark of laughter and hope that we are not alone in this struggle. The world is constantly changing and our children must be ready to face whatever challenges may come in the far and near future. They must develop the necessary life skills to prepare them to learn from any kind of phenomena. As the education sector is itself immersed in long-term online learning (or possibly hybrid learning), what can parents do to support their child’s learning experience in the long run?

How Parents Can Support Children for Long-Term Online Learning

1. Self-care for Parents

Home should be a place where children are allowed to express themselves, feel accepted and appreciated unconditionally, and be able to freely explore their abilities. In order to do this, parents must first feel emotionally at ease at home. It is difficult to help others when you are struggling yourself. Maintain a positive mindset and designate a safe place at home where you can dedicate “me-time” for yourself. Parents should also model a positive mindset to their children; with increased interaction at home, children are more likely to keep a similar mindset.

2. Create an Emotionally Safe Environment at Home

With that positive mindset, parents can now help their children in facing difficulties or when they are experiencing uncomfortable emotions. Start by validating their feelings and acknowledging whatever emotions their children are experiencing. Children want to feel understood and unconditionally accepted by their parents. Parents may also give a calming touch to their children by gently hugging, stroking, and showing them affection. This makes children feel comfortable and also strengthens emotional ties with their parents. Parents should also encourage and support their children’s hobbies. Parents can also involve their children in doing daily chores at home, introducing them to journaling, and helping them stay in touch with friends and family online.

3. Choosing the Right Partners in Education

Parents should pay close attention to the online learning system their children’s school applies. Do their children enjoy and actively engage with their learning activities? Is there two-way communication between students and teachers? Does the school provide support and collaborate with the parents and caregivers? These are several points that parents need to look out for in their children’s online learning system. With the proper stimulation and routines, our children can become self-regulated leaders from an early age.

Sekolah HighScope Indonesia provides learners from preschool to high school with developmentally-appropriate opportunities to make decisions in an academic setting that shapes both mind and character with 21st-century skills to face the current and future challenges. Contact our schools and let us show you how we apply a brain-based curriculum to provide what’s best for learners during these trying times.

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