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New Visa Options for Second Home Owners in Indonesia

New Visa Options for Second Home Owners in Indonesia

The government is considering offering foreign citizens a limited stay visa without the need for employment or marriage.

This change is stated in the draft government regulation (RPP) regarding immigration which is a derivative rule of the Omnibus Law, or Job Creation Law.

This new rule will also be the third amendment to government regulation number 31 of 2013, concerning implementing regulations for law number 6 of 2011 about immigration.

Previously, in Government Regulation 31/2013, visas or limited stay permits that were issued for work activities were only given to foreigners who were investing in the country; participating in scientific training and research; for educational purposes; to stay with family with work or stay permit, or an Indonesian; repatriation of Indonesians; and elderly tourists from abroad.

However, in the latest draft government regulation obtained from the website of the Coordinating Ministry for the Economy, the wording of foreign elderly tourists has been removed and replaced with the wording “second homes.

The duration of a limited stay visa for a second home for foreigners is also longer – a maximum of five years, up from the previous two. This is stated in Article 148 of the draft regulation.

“Limited stay permits are granted for a maximum period of five years and can be extended,” the article states.

Furthermore, foreigners can also have permanent residency permits if they have a second home. However, a permanent residence permit can only be granted after a foreigner meets certain requirements, one of which is having a limited stay visa.

Apart from that, there are additional articles related to guarantees for a visa or limited stay permit holder and permanent residency permits. Article 171 A states that foreigners holding limited stay permits and permanent residency permits are required to have a guarantor who is responsible for their existence and activities during their stay in Indonesia.

According to CNN Indonesia, the guarantor is also obliged to report any changes in civil status, immigration status, and change of address and pay the costs incurred to repatriate or expel the person guaranteed if his or her residence permit expires and/or if they’re subject to administrative immigration action in the form of deportation.

In this case, the guarantor can be an individual Indonesian citizen, corporations represented by Indonesian citizens, or foreigners holding limited stay permits or permanent residency permits. Other potential sponsors include those with a stay permit as a director or someone in a position of the same level, whose name is stated in the organisational structure or the deed of establishment of the company, agency, or institution.

The Immigration Draft Government Regulation document can be downloaded on the official portal of the Job Creation Law.

However, the Secretary of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Susiwijono Moegiarso, and the Head of Immigration Public Relations, Arvin Gumilang, have not responded nor confirmed on the newest Draft Government Regulation version.

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