Walhi calls for Independent Investigation into Activist DeathIndonesia ExpatOctober 11, 2019 by Indonesia ExpatOctober 11, 20190Golfrid Siregar, an activist with the Indonesian Forum for the Environment (Walhi), was found unconscious with serious injured on a...
2015 Deadliest Year for Environmental ActivistsIndonesia ExpatJune 21, 2016June 23, 2016 by Indonesia ExpatJune 21, 2016June 23, 20160As demand for palm oil, timber and minerals continues, governments, companies and criminal gangs are exploiting land with little regard...
Playing for RainKenneth YeungOctober 3, 2015August 2, 2017 by Kenneth YeungOctober 3, 2015August 2, 20170What to do when the country is suffering its worst drought in five years and the Government yet again fails...