Krakatoa Island, The Dangerous Beauty of Sunda StraitIndonesia ExpatDecember 9, 2020November 10, 2021 by Indonesia ExpatDecember 9, 2020November 10, 20210Talk about the Sunda Strait and two things crop up in our minds – Krakatoa Island and earthquakes. A basic...
Bali Flights Cancelled as Mount Agung Erupts AgainIndonesia ExpatMay 25, 2019 by Indonesia ExpatMay 25, 20190Mount Agung in Karangasem district, Bali, has erupted again on Friday, May 24 at 7.30 p.m. While the official height...
Fairyland ExpressLisa BarronMarch 9, 2015September 5, 2017 by Lisa BarronMarch 9, 2015September 5, 20170Sulawesi: twice the size of the UK, volcanoes galore, uninhabited islands, strange creatures, boiling seas, electric clams and tons of...