ConstipationIndonesia ExpatJune 7, 2024 by Indonesia ExpatJune 7, 20240Diarrhea is a common topic to discuss in Indonesia. What about constipation? It can cause discomfort and problems too. Constipation...
Understanding Urinary Tract Infections: Causes, Symptoms, and PreventionIndonesia ExpatMay 10, 2024May 11, 2024 by Indonesia ExpatMay 10, 2024May 11, 20240Urinary tract or bladder infections are known to be common in women, therefore it’s important to discuss the latest insights...
Question: I think I’m coming down with something. How can I tell if I may have COVID-19?Indonesia ExpatMarch 27, 2020January 27, 2024 by Indonesia ExpatMarch 27, 2020January 27, 20240In Indonesia, we are not sure how easily transmitted coronavirus, the virus that causes COVID-19, is. It’s best to assume...