US Defense Secretary Given Insight on Counter-terrorism during Visit to IndonesiaSania RasyidJanuary 24, 2018 by Sania RasyidJanuary 24, 20180On his visit to Indonesia, US Defense Secretary James Mattis was given some insight by Indonesian Politics, Law and Security...
Indonesia Warned to Keep Safe Online Amid North Korean HacksIshia ToledoMay 23, 2017 by Ishia ToledoMay 23, 20170North Korean hacker groups are again suspected of launching cyber attacks around the world as Indonesia’s Minister of Information and...
Twisted Tourism: My brief brush with North KoreaPolly LavelleApril 23, 2013September 6, 2017 by Polly LavelleApril 23, 2013September 6, 20170In this sick and twisted world, there is an elite group of the most sick and twisted countries. Adding a...