COVID-19 Cases Soar, Bali’s International Border Opening 4th FebruaryIndonesia ExpatJanuary 31, 2022February 2, 2022 by Indonesia ExpatJanuary 31, 2022February 2, 20220In the midst of the spike in COVID-19 cases in Indonesia, the government has decided to reopen Bali’s international border...
Three Airlines Return to Fly Under Strict ProtocolsIndonesia ExpatMay 8, 2020 by Indonesia ExpatMay 8, 20200The Ministry of Transportation has relaxed the rules that had initially stopped operations for various modes of transportation, which took...
International Flights Unaffected by Mudik Travel BansIndonesia ExpatApril 25, 2020April 25, 2020 by Indonesia ExpatApril 25, 2020April 25, 20200The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, KEMLU, has issued a clarification to confirm that international flights aren’t affected by the recent...