Indonesia Expat

Dua Tangan Cukup: Grand Aston Bali Beach Resort participates in International Coastal Cleanup

Do you know that a single plastic bag can kill over 100 dolphins? Plastic bags are often eaten by marine life. The plastic will starve and kill the animal. This litter may not decompose for 1,000 years and will continue to find more victims, long after previous marine animals rot away.

Participating in the International Coastal Clean Up, arranged by the Ocean Conservancy and Bali Hotel Association, Grand Aston Bali Beach Resort is also fighting for a trash-free sea. Keeping the beach and the ocean clean is one of Grand Aston Bali Beach Resorts’ priorities.

After scouring the beach, picking up trash and debris, covering along Grand Aston Bali’s shorelines, the staff managed to gather 10 kilograms of trash that consisted of materials such as cigarette butts, plastics, water bottles and food containers. This may have been caused by smokers casually dumping cigarette butts on the street, which get transferred to the sea through drains.

“We hope by participating on this International event, we can become more responsible by doing simple and effective things in our everyday life and pass on the positive energy to our closest environment. The easiest way is by bringing our own shopping bags and water bottles when going out,” stated Popy Tobing, Public Relations Manager Grand Aston Bali Beach Resort.

Two hands and a bit of spare time is all you need to make a difference. What’s your Dua Tangan Cukup action? Please share them with us at and we will share them with our readers here, every issue.

For more information on the International Coastal Cleanup, please visit

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