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Telkom Guarantees Smooth Internet During Jasuka Sea Cable Repair

internet cable

Telkom Group has promised that internet services will not be disrupted during the process of repairing the Jasuka submarine cable covering Java, Sumatra, and Kalimantan. The company will change network routes to ensure connection.

Telkom’s Vice President of Marketing Management E. Kurniawan said that they are currently focussing on accelerating the repair of the Jasuka submarine cable so that IndiHome internet services can recover.

Internet services have been disturbed for Telkomsel and Telkom customers since the afternoon of 19th September. The disturbance has been caused by damage or a breakage to the Jasuka submarine cable.

Until now, Telkom has not revealed what caused the breakage of the submarine cable.

The repairing of the installation shouldn’t affect restored services. This is due to Telkom using a backup link in Batam and Manado.

“So that the routing network (network route diversion) can return to normal,” he said.

Moreover, with the restoration of internet services, Telkom shifted the frequency and priority of services so that users can carry out learning and working activities from home.

Separately, Telkom’s Vice President of Corporate Communication Pujo Pramono said this repair process is expected to take one month.

Time is needed to connect the submarine cables, which needs to be preceded by various preparations. Among them is the preparation of the cable ship that will sail crew to the point of disturbance.

The submarine cable ship will carry out the connection, preparation of equipment, and file for a permit to undertake repairs to the submarine cable.

Kurniawan said there would be compensation for all IndiHome consumers whose internet services were disrupted due to cable problems.

He went on to explain that the compensation will be given in the form of a delay in the payment period of each customer until 25th September. To find out the compensation given, customers are asked to directly contact their nearest Telkom service centre.

Also Read Top Internet Providers in Indonesia

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