The Puncak lane will only be open to motorbikes and other vehicles will be diverted to alternative routes, says West Java’s Regional Police Adjunct Senior Commissioner, Andi Moch Dicky.
“Only two-wheelers can pass through the lane, while others must use alternative roads. Those from Jakarta can use the roads through Cibubur, Jonggol, Cariu, and then Sukamakmur, or through Sukabumi to Cianjur, or through Bandung, Padalarang, which headed to Cianjur,” he stated here on Thursday.
The restriction is due to the continuous landslides that have been occurring in the area of Puncak Pas, which is the border between Puncak Bogor and Cianjur, precisely at Puncak Pas Resort.
This landslide, which occurred at 8:30 p.m. on Wednesday evening (March 28), caused road damage. The landslide had damaged the road of 40 metres wide and 150 metres long. The ground vibration could still be felt if vehicles passed through the road.
“The police have collaborated with the Cianjur Resort Police to close the road by consulting with the Director General of Land Transportation on how to follow up on the Puncak road,” he revealed.
Cianjur Resort Police of Police Adjunct Senior Commissioner Soliyah revealed that warning banners, containing information related to the conditions in Puncak and advising drivers to divert the route from Cianjur to Bogor through Jonggol, have been erected at several points. “The riders who want to go to Bogor can use the alternative road of Jonggol or Sukabumi,” he added.
Source: Republika
Photo courtesy of Republika