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Contact Tracing Anies and Riza Reveals 24 Positive Cases of COVID-19

Contact Tracing Anies and Riza Reveals 24 Positive Cases of COVID-19. Image Gedung Balai Kota

Widyastuti, The Head of the DKI Jakarta Health Service, has stated that his party has conducted contact tracing of DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan and his deputy Ahmad Riza Patria.

Hundreds of people have had a COVID-19 PCR swab test after both government officials tested positive for COVID-19 earlier this week.

“The DKI Jakarta Health Office has recorded 158 people who have been swabbed from the governor’s close contacts. An additional 279 people have been swabbed from close contact with the deputy governor,” reported Widyastuti.

He explained that, based on Anies’ tracing results, 5 out of 158 people tested positive for COVID-19. 42 people are still awaiting results. Meanwhile, 19 out of the 279 people Riza was in contact with have tested positive, and 75 others are still awaiting results.

“Those who have been confirmed positive are in the process of further investigation. Several cases were found in the interactions of the governors and their respective family clusters,” as quoted by 

Both Anies and Riza are currently in independent isolation, separated from their families.

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