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Quarantine Reduced to Two Nights for International Arrivals

Quarantine reduced
Hotel Indonesia Kempinski Jakarta

The government has issued new rules regarding the quarantine period for arrivals from abroad. Hotel quarantine on arrival will now be three days rather than five.

This change is stated in the addendum to circular number 20 of 2021 concerning international travel health protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic. It was signed on 2nd November by the Head of the COVID-19 Task Force and Head of the National Disaster Management Agency Ganip Warsito.

The circular changes the provisions for the length of quarantine and the time for the second PCR test that’s required for international arrivals during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Upon arrival at the airport, PCR retests are carried out for everyone landing in Indonesia. For anyone who has only received the first dose of double-dose, quarantine will remain at five days. Meanwhile, international arrivals who have received the full course of a vaccine must undergo quarantine for two nights and three days.

Indonesian citizens, foreigners, including foreign diplomats, except the head of the foreign representative office and their family, must undergo quarantine in an official quarantine hotel.

Regarding the PCR tests, both Indonesian and foreign citizens must undergo their second PCR test with the following conditions:

1) If a traveller is quarantining for five days based on the new rules, their second PCR will be completed on the fourth day

2) If a traveller is quarantining for three days based on the new rules, their second PCR will be completed on the third day.

Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto said in a press release on 2nd November, “the PCR tests must be proven negative at the time of departure, arrival, and when quarantine finishes.”

He added that, for domestic travellers, results from a 24-hour antigen test are accepted for those with a full course of a vaccine and a three-day PCR test is required for those who have only received one of two doses.

“Antigen test results can be used, both for the people of Java and Bali and outside this region. However, it must continue to be monitored from time to time, and if there is a spike in cases, it can be followed up immediately,” said Airlangga. addendum-se-ka-satgas-nomor-20-tahun-2021-tentang-protokol-kesehatan-perjalanan-internasional-pada-masa-pandemi-corona-virus-disease-2019-(covid-19)


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