Smuggling 319 kg of Crystal Meth, Eight Iranian Citizens Sentenced to DeathIndonesia ExpatOctober 28, 2023 by Indonesia ExpatOctober 28, 20230In an incident of smuggling 319 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine into Indonesia, eight Iranian citizens have been sentenced to death....
Aceh Fishermen Found 14 Stranded IraniansIndonesia ExpatJanuary 29, 2020 by Indonesia ExpatJanuary 29, 20200According to immigration officials, 14 Iranian nationals have been found stranded by local fishermen in Hindia Ocean, near Meulaboh city,...
Meet Ashraf: the Asylum Seeker from IranKenneth YeungFebruary 12, 2014August 11, 2017 by Kenneth YeungFebruary 12, 2014August 11, 20172 Meet Ashraf. That?s not his real name. And he?s not your typical expat, being an Iranian asylum seeker who calls...