All prepaid SIM card owners in Indonesia will soon have to register their identities with their mobile number or face service suspension, the government warns.
The new rule, which comes in the form of a ministerial decree issued by the Communications and Informations Ministry, requires mobile users to register their number with a valid national identification card and kartu keluarga (family card) starting October 31, 2017, with the period for registration closing on February 28, 2018.
However, the decree does not take into account those who do not own a KTP or KK, such as foreign tourists who often buy prepaid SIM cards for travel throughout Indonesia. Prepaid SIM cards are relatively cheap, and the lack of regulations and restrictions surrounding them has prompted many to buy disposable SIM cards; authorities claim they can be misused for criminal activities as they are untraceable.
“This is not something that’s difficult to do. So please follow the correct procedures because, if not, you will face the consequences,” said Ministry of Communication and Informatics’ Post and Information Technology Director-General Ahmad M. Ramli, as quoted by Detik yesterday. The consequences he is referring to are the temporary suspension of services for the mobile phone number; starting from the blockage of phone calls and SMS, and later blockage of internet services.
To register a new prepaid SIM card, you can text: (KTP number)#(KK number)# to 4444. If you have an existing prepaid SIM card but have not registered your ID, you can text ULANG#(KTP number)#(KK number)# to 4444.
Featured image by LifeWire.