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Mandatory PCR Tests for Travels Entering and Exiting Indonesia

Visa on Arrival

Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi has said that passengers travelling to or from overseas must carry out a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test for coronavirus.

This is one of the conditions for individuals to be able to travel to and from Indonesia in the era of the new normal.

“For foreign countries, we require the passengers to conduct PCR tests,” he said.

A PCR examination, he continued, can be done in the country of origin for passengers from abroad, and in Indonesia for passengers going abroad.

This condition is regulated through circular letter 7 of 2020 concerning criteria and requirements for the travel of people in the adaptation period of new habits towards productive and safe communities against COVID-19.

In the letter, several conditions are outlined for passengers who want to exit or enter Indonesian territory. For passengers from abroad who do not have a PCR result from their home country, they must carry out a PCR test when they arrive in Indonesia. While waiting for the results, passengers must undergo quarantine at quarantine accommodation that will be determined by the government.

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However, this requirement is exempt at cross country border posts which do not have PCR equipment, as well as commuter trips through border outposts. In these circumstances, the requirements can be replaced by conducting rapid tests and showing symptom-free certificates issued by hospital doctors or health authorities.

Previously, the Minister of Transportation, Budi Karya Sumadi, has abolished the provision of a maximum passenger limit of 50 percent on public transportations and private vehicles.

This provision are regulated in the Minister of Transportation Regulation (Permenhub) No. 41 of 2020 concerning amendments to the Minister of Transportation 18 of 2020 concerning transportation control in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

Previously, Articles 11, 12, 13, and 14 of the Minister of Transportation Regulation 18 of 2020 regulated passenger restrictions for passenger cars, private cars, passenger buses, river, lake transportation, as well as crossings, railroad, sea transportation, and air transportation.

Source: CNN Indonesia

Image: Blibli

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