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Jakarta Increases Referral Hospitals as COVID-19 Cases Increase

Jakarta Increases Referral Hospitals as COVID-19 Cases Increase

The Provincial Government of Jakarta is to increase the number of COVID-19 referral hospitals.

The current aim is to add another 11 hospitals that will accept COVID-19 patients in the capital.

With the additional 11 hospitals, there will be an increase of 85 ICU rooms and 286 isolation rooms. Dwi Oktavia, the Head of Disease Prevention and Control of the DKI Jakarta Health Office, said that the number of additional hospital bed are still being calculated and may change.

As well as the additional referral hospitals, current hospitals are to increase their medical supplies too. From RSUD to Jakarta, it is estimated that there will be an additional 357 ICU beds and isolation rooms.

Widyastuti, the Head of the DKI Jakarta Health Service, noted that mapping is to be carried out to strengthen the network in surrounding hospitals.

“We will do urban mapping to strengthen the network. Especially for patients or certain cases who need continuous service,” he said.

Despite the need for medical personnel to return home to their families after the ongoing months of being on the frontlines of the pandemic, COVID-19 cases in Indonesia are continuing to increase and it is not certain when things may go back to normal. On 3rd September, Jakarta recorded 1,406 new COVID-19 patients. The current recovery rate is 74.2%.

Furthermore, there are still 10,032 active cases of COVID-19 in Jakarta that are undergoing self-care or isolation. These are cases that show only mild or no symptoms and do not have to undergo intensive care.

Anies Baswedan, DKI Jakarta’s Governor, has noted that his party is currently regulating these cases that are required to isolate themselves. Anies said that one key to this is the discovery of household clusters who do not carry out the isolation procedure properly.

To prevent this, he explained that people with COVID-19 that only show mild systems are to be isolated at Wisma Atlet, Kemayoran, Central Jakarta. This notion was also agreed on by Joko Widodo.

There is also an aim to battle miseducation about COVID-19. Anies noted that many people do not realise that carriers of the disease may not show any symptoms. He went on to say that his party is currently preparing the regulations.

Source: Kompas

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