The provincial government of DKI Jakarta has prepared three back to school schemes for the new school year 2020/2021 that will start on 13th July 2020.
The announcement came from the Head of Jakarta Education Office, Nahdiana, in a teleconference meeting with the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan and Deputy Governor of DKI Jakarta, Ahmad Riza Patria.
“We do this by following the government’s policy when the large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) have been lifted, so we are ready to return to school based on the designs of alternatives we’ve made,” said Nahdiana.
Nahdiana explained that the first scheme means that only part of the school will be open and all students will return to study at school. Then, the second option envisions only part of a school opening with just some students studying in the school. Meanwhile, the third option would mean having only a part of the school reopen with some students studying at home.
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To support the three ideas, the Jakarta Education Office will also ensure the readiness of schools, teachers, and the school environment following the implementation of large-scale social restriction.
According to Nahdiana, with each of these three alternatives schools must have enough sanitation facilities, including individual PPE and health protocol tools when students return to school. It also includes room sterilisation and change in a classroom arrangement.
In addition, Nahdiana explained that design including the period of learning transition in schools for two months has been created. He said that in the first and second weeks of the transition, teaching and learning activities in schools will be carried out in only one day, interchangeably.
The second part of the process will involve two weeks of studying at school, two weeks of studying at home will be alternately conducted. “Thus, the third cycle will be alternating once a week,” he said.
Referring to the three schemes, Anies rated them interesting but also noted that it would be difficult to apply it equally across the whole of Jakarta. Therefore the plan could be implemented in different ways across the city.
Furthermore, Anies assessment was that the most likely scheme to be applied would be that only a few schools would conduct teaching and learning activities since a lot of schools in Jakarta are within the coronavirus red zones at the moment.
Anies also asked the Jakarta Education Office to begin preparing a prevention plan to stop the spread of coronavirus in schools. This will include hand-washing facilities at every entrance of a classroom and plans to apply physical distancing.
“We need to teach the children to wash their hands whenever possible because, in our community, we know it hasn’t happened yet,” Anies said.
Source: CNN Indonesia