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Realise Your Potential – Choosing the Right Environment for Your Child to Develop

Realise Your Potential – Choosing the Right Environment for Your Child to Develop at Wellington College Independent School Jakarta
Realise Your Potential – Choosing the Right Environment for Your Child to Develop

Walk upstairs, open the door gently, and look in the crib. What do you see?

Most of us see a picture of innocence and helplessness, a clean slate. But in fact, what we see in the crib is the greatest mind that has ever existed, the most powerful learning machine in the universe. The tiny fingers and mouth are exploration devices that probe the alien world around them with more precision than any Mars rover. The crumpled ears take a buzz of incomprehensible noise and flawlessly turn it into meaningful language. The wide eyes that sometimes seem to peer into your very soul actually do just that, deciphering your deepest feelings. The downy head surrounds a brain that is forming millions of new connections every day. That, at least, is what thirty years of scientific research have told us.

  • Alison Gopnik, The Scientist in the Crib: What Early Learning Tells Us About the Mind

During the first five years of life, a child’s brain develops at a rapid rate, more so than at any other stage of growth. In fact, by the time your child is five years old, their brain has reached 92% of its adult size and is busy building the most complex network of connections known in the universe.

The Importance of the Environment and Early Experiences

According to Dr Susan Greenfield, a highly acclaimed neuroscientist and senior research fellow at Lincoln College, Oxford, this development is shaped by environmental influences. Early experiences and exposures can have a significant impact on brain development. Speaking at the 2019 symposium Roots of Empathy, Greenfield suggested that even if two brains have an identical biological makeup, such as in the case of identical twins, their brain functions can diverge significantly due to differences in their experiences and environments.

How Parents Can Support Early Development

How can parents be confident that they are offering the right conditions within their child’s environment? Extensive research identifies factors that can positively promote brain development during early childhood, including:

  • Positive relationships and responsive caregiving
  • Play and exploration within a stimulating environment
  • A language-rich environment
  • Physical activity
  • Nutrition
  • Safety and protection
Wellington College Independent School Jakarta – Leaders in Early Childhood Development

Offering an exceptional Early Years learning environment is the best way to support children’s development. Through a carefully cultivated programme, based on research and evidence from world-leading experts, Wellington College Independent School Jakarta brings together the best aspects of an enriching environment, positive relationships, and crucial early childhood experiences to ensure that every child maximises their potential during the first five years of life and beyond.

Early Childhood Development
Early Childhood Development

Our highly qualified and experienced Early Years team are specialists in early childhood development, understanding each age and stage from birth and the associated sensitive periods of growth. Since research also tells us that the home environment has a significant and lasting impact on your child’s learning outcomes, we work closely with parents as partners, sharing our expertise and guidance so that you are fully informed at every important milestone.

We do all of this in a purpose-designed environment, where each corner of the room and everything in it is selected to ignite curiosity, provoke meaningful conversations, support essential physical development, and nurture individual interests. With a focus on the unique child, we ensure that every family has a bespoke experience tailored to their needs – everything you would expect to help every child realise their potential as “the greatest learning machine in the universe.”

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