Indonesia Expat
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Indonesia Expat Is Now Offering Sponsored Content


As part of Indonesia Expat’s 2020 initiative to continue full-steam ahead into the digital realm, we are now offering brands the opportunity to run sponsored content campaigns on our website, which recently exceeded 100,000 monthly unique visits from Indonesia’s largest expatriate readership, and continues to grow.

60 percent of Indonesia Expat readers are foreigners in the archipelago, while the other 40 percent are English-speaking Indonesians. 77 percent live in Jakarta, while the other 23 percent reside in Bali and other locations around Indonesia. Approximately half of the readers are between the ages of 25 and 45, and their interests include a myriad of topics including lifestyle, business, travel, shopping, and more.

What is sponsored content?

According to SEO authority Moz, sponsored articles amount to advertising on a media outlet in the form of paid content that organically fits in with the rest of the editorial on the site. Brands value this because association with a publication and exposure to its audience can drive awareness, traffic, conversions and leads. It’s important to note that sponsored content is not advertorial. Instead, the purpose is to be helpful, entertaining, or both (it tries to avoid hard selling). Top-of-the-funnel content doesn’t appear to be salesy and brand-centric to the reader. This helps brands become not just purveyors of goods and services, but a producer of ideas and a distributor of knowledge.

Starting today, Indonesia Expat is now selling sponsored content campaigns to brands and businesses that fit our internal value criteria for our readers.

What do I get?

Apart from thought leadership and positive positioning with a valuable audience, when choosing to run a sponsored content campaign with Indonesia Expat there are several things you’ll get, including:

  1. Your brand name as the author’s byline, indicating that your brand is responsible for the articles.
  2. A description of your brand for the author’s bio section.
  3. A brief mention about your brand somewhere in the article (although Indonesia Expat’s editorial team reserves the right to exercise its own discretion on all content).
  4. A backlink to the page of your choosing, thus providing strong SEO value for your brand’s website.
  5. A transparent plug at the end of the article which tells the readers what your brand is and why it’s valuable to them.
  6. Free social media boosting and a guaranteed number of page views for your content accompanied by an analytics report to measure the success of your campaign.

Unlike print advertising and banner ads, sponsored content stays around on the web forever. Therefore, it continues to act as an inbound sales channel for your business. In this respect, it is much more valuable than running an ad with a limited shelf life.


Where do I start?

To see an example of a recent sponsored post, please click here. To learn more about sponsored content campaigns and other opportunities for your business with Indonesia Expat, please send an introductory note to

If you’re looking to position yourself well with a special audience in the archipelago, we would love to touch base with you and explore sponsored content options for your brand on Indonesia Expat.

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