Indonesia is preparing to sue the Australian government after an anti-dumping import duty was slapped on Indonesia-made A4 copy paper, amid accusations the imported paper was priced below fair market value in a tense stand-off adding tension to the trade relationship.
The dumping investigation focusing on Indonesian A4-size producers began April 2016 following changes to the Australian domestic paper industry. China, Thailand and Brazil have also been accused of underpricing products.
Australia’s paper industry claimed sales had suffered and domestic market coverage continued to decline.
Trade Security Director of Directorate General of International Trade Pradnyawati said the accusation is unfair and the directorate has submitted a rebuttal to the Australian government.
“We’ve submitted the rebuttal through various ways, including consultation, ministerial letter, as well as casting a lawsuit through Australia’s Anti-Dumping Review Panel,” Pradnyawati said, as quoted by Bisnis.
Pradnyawati said the decision made by the Australian authorities was not based on evidence, just assumptions and therefore Indonesia will report Australia to the World Trade Organisation’s Dispute Settlement tribunal.
See: Indonesia and Australian Complete 7th Economic Partnership Round
Image credits: Aktual