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Transitional PSBB DKI Jakarta and Proportional PSBB West Java Extended

Transitional PSBB DKI Jakarta and Proportional PSBB West Java Extended

The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has again extended the transitional large-scale social restrictions (PSBB) from 23rd November to 6th December 2020 because the transmission of cases in Jakarta has increased in the last two weeks.

This extension is based on the decree of the Governor of DKI Jakarta Province Number 1100 of 2020, which emphasises that if there is no significant increase in COVID-19 cases, the transitional PSBB will be automatically extended for two weeks.

DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan has asked entrepreneurs to focus on tackling the COVID-19 pandemic following the extension.

Meanwhile, the West Java Provincial Government, through Governor Ridwan Kamil, has also extended the proportional PSBB in the Bodebek area that is Bogor City, Depok, Bekasi, and Bogor Regency, until 23rd December 2020.

The extension was stated in the West Java Governor’s decree (Kepgub) number 443 / Kep.783-Hukham/2020 concerning the eighth extension of proportional PSBB implementation in the Bodebek area in the context of accelerating the handling of COVID-19, signed by Ridwan Kamil on Thursday 26th November 2020.

The Chief Executive of the West Java Province COVID-19 Handling Task Force, Daud Achmad, said in the Governor’s Decree, the regional head of the Bodebek region could implement the PSBB proportionally according to the level of regional alertness.

“The PSBB is proportionally adjusted to regional vigilance at the sub-district, village, and urban village levels in the form of Micro-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBM),” Daud said.

If you feel or know that someone else is symptomatic or has been exposed to a positive case, please contact the Jakarta COVID-19 Response Post: 112/081 112 112 112/0813 8837 6955.

Source: CNBC Indonesia and Tirto

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