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Immigration Guidelines: New Rules for Obtaining a Visa for Indonesia


Acting Director-General of Immigration Widodo Ekatjahjana has released guidelines for granting visa and immigration stay permit during the management of the COVID-19 pandemic and national economic recovery.

The guidelines stated in number IMI-0196.GR.01.01 YEAR 2021, were signed on 17th September.

Applications for a single-trip visit visa can now be submitted to the Immigration Office or Foreign Service Officer appointed at the Representative of the Republic of Indonesia abroad. This visa application submission is for the following types of activities:

  1. Government duties in the framework of meetings related to the Indonesian Presidency in the G20 or the 144th International Session of the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU);
  2. Humanitarian reasons such as visiting or accompanying parents or siblings who are sick or has died; and
  3. Medical needs.

Moreover, this visa application is to be carried out by fulfilling the following provisions as referred to in Article 90 of Government Regulation Number 48 of 2021, with the following attachments:

  1. Proof of reason for visa application;
  2. Evidence of having received the full dose of a COVID-19 vaccine;
  3. A statement letter confirming willingness to comply with all applicable health protocols in Indonesia; and
  4. Proof of ownership of health insurance/travel insurance that includes financing health, and/or a statement letter confirming willingness to pay independently if affected COVID-19 while in Indonesia.

Proof of having sufficient money to cover living expenses while in Indonesia must also be attached to the application, in the form of a checking account, savings book, or deposit for the last three months belonging to the relevant foreigner or guarantor with an amount of at least US$2,000 or equivalent.

Meanwhile, foreigners holding visit visas and limited stay visa issued since 22nd April 2021 through to 18th July 2021 that has not yet been used can enter Indonesia through certain Immigration Checkpoints until 15th October 2021.

The Immigration Management Information System will automatically send visas to foreigners and the guarantor through the registered email provided at the time of the visa application within three working days.

Foreigners holding stay permits, limited stay permits, or permanent stay permits for Indonesia and cannot extend them in accordance with the provisions of the laws and regulations, and have not been able to return to their country of origin, can be given a new stay permit by applying for a visit visa or limited stay visa.

Applications for new stay permits through a visit visa application is carried out by fulfilling the requirements as referred to in article 90 of the government regulation number 48 of 2021.

Meanwhile, applications for new stay permits through the application for a limited stay visa is carried out by fulfilling the requirements as referred to in article 103 of the government regulation number 48 of 2021.

In addition to fulfilling these, the visa application for visit and limited stay visas must also include:

  1. A statement letter confirming willingness to comply with all applicable health protocols in Indonesia;
  2. Proof of ownership of health insurance or travel insurance that includes financing health, and/or a statement letter confirming willingness to pay independently if affected COVID-19 while in Indonesia; and
  3. Proof of the last stay permit for visit stay permit holders or a document of return from immigration (Exit Permit Only/EPO) for limited stay permit holders.

Proof of having sufficient money for living expenses while in Indonesia must also be presented in the form of a checking account, savings book, or deposit for the last three months belonging to the relevant foreigner or guarantor with an amount of at least US$ 2,000 or equivalent.

Other than that, the foreigner applying is required to carry out the document return procedure through immigration (Exit Permit Only or EPO) at the immigration office.

The application must be done before the stay permit expires. In the event that the foreigner overstays less than 60 days, they are required to complete payment of expenses at the time of extension of the stay permit at the immigration office or when leaving Indonesia at the immigration checkpoint.

However, foreigners who already hold a limited stay visa may be granted a limited stay permit after reporting no later than seven days after arrival to the immigration office whose work area includes the residence of foreigners.

They can be subject to an overstay fee in accordance with the provisions of the legislation.

In the case of foreigners:

  1. Overstaying of more than 60 days;
  2. Being subject to immigration administrative actions in the form of deportation; and/or
  3. Being denied the granting of or extension of a stay permit based on the provisions of the regulations legislation,

They cannot be given a new stay permit and must leave Indonesia immediately.

Furthermore, extensions of ITAS, ITAP and/or re-entry permit (IMK) for foreigners who are still overseas can be given to foreigners whose ITAS, ITAP and/or IMK will expire through an application submitted by the guarantor to the immigration office, meeting the following conditions:

  1. The guarantor attaches the requirements in accordance with the provisions of the legislation by attaching a photocopy of the passport and proof of exit from Indonesia;
  2. Complete the application without going through the biometric collection process with approval Director General of Immigration; and
  3. The guarantor must report the arrival of the foreigner to the immigration office no later than 30 days from the date of entry in order to carry out the issuance of the ITAS, ITAP, and/or IMK.

Source: Directorate General of Immigration

Also Read How to Get a Business Visa in Indonesia

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